About Henrietta

A storyteller in every aspect.

Who Henrietta is, behind her work.

As an advocate for further education, Henrietta’s educational background includes dual bachelor degrees from the University of Kentucky and a master’s degree from the University of Kentucky/University of Louisville Executive MBA program. A lifelong learner, she has earned accreditation from several leadership training and management programs, including Harvard University. She currently teaches graduate and undergraduate courses at the University of Louisville College of Business.

Henrietta was born in Nashville, TN and raised in western Kentucky, and now resides with her husband of 30+ years in Louisville, KY. She is the proud mother of three children, step-parent to four and grandmother of many grandchildren, with more on the way!

The important things in life.

Family & Friends

I grew up in Western Kentucky with my brother, sister, and 12 cousins within a 2-mile radius. I have been married to my husband Larry Profancik for 30 years and we enjoy every opportunity to spend time with our expanding family. I am now the proud mother of three children, stepparent to four children and grandmother of 18 grandchildren, with more on the way!


My love of music and reading helps guide my spiritual journey as I praise God for my blessings every day. I am a cradle-to-grave Episcopalian, and my faith inspires my work.


After years of working in several renowned advertising and marketing agencies, I established and operated a successful brand communications firm for 14 years. While continuing my work as a branding and marketing strategist, I also teach undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Louisville’s College of Business. In 2018, I sold my business and started my writing career. Now I am expanding my storytelling platform to include speaking engagements, uplifting social media content and other creative means of written expression.